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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

~Starting to blog again~

I was updating my department's blog and I decided to check on my blog. Hehe I suddenly realised that it's been more than a year since I posted anything.

Well, here I am starting to blog again hee...

For starters, I am having a really restful holiday, doing things I really love. Meeting with with my NIE frenz, celebrating my bdae, going to tea chapter, baking and playing Kinect with Eve and Mz and attending a baking class.

The baking class is super fun!! I'm thinking of signing up for more lessons and Eve might join me. It will be super fun esp if u got kaki to go together!!

That's all for now, hehe I hope I'll be back soon...

10:17 pm

Monday, April 26, 2010

~Clearing cobwebs~

Keke as usual my blog has fallen into the trap of the procrastinator....hahaha getting lazy to blog... Well this is me starting again...

Hubby juz bought a inflatable kayak and we went for our first kayak trip on Sun 25/4... keke wif nutnut...It's real hard work!!! we havent gotten our pushcart therefore we had to carry everything back and forth...

We woke up super early!!! @515

Ready to go!!!

coz the high tide timing was 830... and we were in the waters by 745...While we were setting up to go in, there were some people staring at us, i felt so weird like we are doing something crazy...hahaa then we dressed nutnut up in her PFD (Personal Flotation Device aka Peanut's flotation device) haha she looked real cute in it.

Setting at East Coast Carpark!

@ the shore

Nutnut and Me in our PFDs!!!!

10:06 pm

Thursday, September 03, 2009

~My very first Teachers' Day~

Keke was looking forward to Teachers' Day...funny right coz after practicum people wud think that we have celebrated it le...but the answer is no....they strategically planned our period before this day...

Hmmm i was wondering if i wud get a pressie from one particular pupil coz he always acts very cool and kinda disregards teachers...I was really surprised to receive a pressie from him, he didnt pass it to me himself but the though of a pressie from him was kinda surprising already...He is so funny, he bought me a essence of chicken to restore my energy...haha so that can scold them more....

Children are getting more practical lately, they know how to select gifts for their teachers, i received whiteboard markers, notepads and post-its really nice and practical (I wonder if their parent bought them, that's y they are practical gifts) and of the usual pretty flowers and chocolates i love them too....

Happy Teachers' Day!!!!

4:53 pm

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

~Clearin cobwebs~

Keke have been a long time since i last updated...So mini posts of updates now...

Taiwan was fun, took so much fotos but hahaha too much to blog here....we are non-stop and didnt want to come back...

Back to school, with the H1N1 situation somewhat "controlled", school seems better, we dun have to take temp every day for 2x, which stops eating into my periods....I am finally able to catch up the syllables....Children are getting used to me and me used to them, i find that they are actually quite adorable... I aso find myself screaming lesser...hahaha i guess i do like teaching!!! haha never really knew that, i've always tot i took up the job coz it was stable and i could be in tuned with my kids in future coz i will knw what they are studying abt....hahaha....

looking at my workstation today seems really like a teacher's desk liao --> very messy hahahaha i m thinking of rearranging stuff and whether i should bring my grad bear to my workstation....I like it but no where to put at home but if i leave it in sch then i cant hug it...hahaha i will continue to think abt it...

4:13 pm

Friday, June 12, 2009

~Oooopz being lazy again~

Haha been hooked on bejeweled on facebook, everytime i go online i must try to get a new high score...so as you can see i have neglected my blog...again....

I took many fotos while wrapping dumpling for duan u jie and also my first experience of a fire in a shopping centre hahaha suppose to be hot news but since i dragged so long now it's stale liao hahaha....

I also got my workstation in school le...started decoratin liao super happy...but still need to deco and arrange somemore coz on mon i dropped off my mini drawer and big drawer for being my "in" tray...keke and guess wat --> they are pink...haha i have been in the pinky mood duno why...though yes yes i knw i am suppose to tahan till it spoils and i might not be in pinky mood...but the workstation's colour is mainly blue so okie la....hahaha

And i got a new toy...hoohoo a red canon ixus 100is....super pretty... I am charing the battery now to use tmr....then i will upload the beautiful fotos take with it....I was torn between the gold one and the red one...and stood there keep askin tintin n wei which one i shud get hahaha they suggest for long run to take the gold one but i came with the idea of the red one but the gold is really nice not the usual yellowish hue but abit champagne gold...keke in the end must use the old sch toss the coin method and ta dah i got the red one...hoohoo i did not regret it!!! I super love love my new toy...can use in my taiwan trip...happy happy elle....

1:24 am

Sunday, May 17, 2009

~Ooh fun, fruitful and super busy week~


Met up wif Audrey to start some shopping for work clothes...We met at suntec ard 2pm and Ms Toh was supposed to meet up ard that time too but then she was at tuition... Me treat Audrey to Gelare Fruitti Tutti waffles wif ice cream (Wild Strawberry and Pistachio)


Audrey preparing to attack...

Me attempting some candid shots of my own....

Keke by the time we were done snapping our ice cream was starting to melt...We went on to shop for her yiming's pressie...then walked around for my work wear too...We walked past a shop that had 50% of for eyelash perming and decided to give a try...Quite pretty and princessy however if got u stubborn lashes like mine i wud reccomend going for the traditional kind...This one at suntec 3rd floor is some new method takes about half the time as compared to the traditional beauty salon kind...It uses some clip that looks like eyelask curler to hold on to our lashes then add the perming solution...My verdict not worth for my stubborn lashes....

After that we rushed off to meet Wei at bugis...Supposed to be me shopping for my workwear but haha ms toh had more shopping bags than me...She still dare scold me...haha saying that i make her spend money, but cant blame me i not longer that tiny anymore buying clothes is more difficult...So overall i only got a top and a skirt...Super love the skirt, will take a foto when i wear it to work... :D


Meeting Joyce, Khatijah and Liza for shoppin again...Round 2 since the day before's shopping din have a big shuo huo...We went to have dinner at breeks, was super crazy I ordered buffalo wings and half a chicken for main course...argh super bad combi haha too much chicken...I regret hahaha....We continued with shopping, however didnt get much either and was worse than the day before...i only managed to get 2 belts, they are lovely... We ended the day wif coffee and desserts at starbucks...


Baking session 3... keke we had induction at nie (guess what they came up wif a new n innovative way to make us fill feedback questionaires haha, in order to retreive our results we have to fill it in) then headed to JE to buy baking stuff...So sad the shop is closing down soon,we can only go to clementi one but heard from Meizhen that it is tiny...SObz...

We made gingerbread people n animals and also cinnamon rolls(1st attempt, but not bad) so fun we were all laughing non stop when my hubby requested for a sexy gingerbread babe... and we created a pair of ***** gingerbread couple haha... I am super enjoying the baking sessions more and more...hoohoo not juz baking i mean hanging wif eve n zhen...we are super cranky around each other...so fun...looking forward to the next home session...

I also had my aircon serviced today after living in my love nest for abt 2 yrs, this is our first servicing...However, the aircon guy destroyed my aircon plug and have to replace it ourselves...So weird an aircon guy who doesnt knw electrical works...but at least i have cold aircon now...yippe :)


keke super shiok day...I finally managed to get my dorothy perkins tops super love them...the cutting and colour are just right...I bought 2 bags...Super love them too...Keke i guess wei can tell that too coz i really kept thinking abt them...I finally used my $40 charles&keith voucher, was worried that it will expire soon...bought a nice bag therefore only paid $14 for it...happy!!! Wei and I went on to far east to shop for more stuff, I m really surprised that i havent grown out of that place (felt so out of place when i went bugis village wif wei on mon)...I found the bag that i was looking for at far east plaza, i saw a girl carrying it on a bus and fell in love...was considering not to buy since i bought the charles&keith bag liao, but i couldnt resist hahaha...

I bought a pair of very nice brown ballet flats and so easy to match clothes....I tried on a black satin pair too, exact same cutting but diff material and colour...still thinking if i wan get that but will only knw after i tried the brown one to work...keke...And the good news is i controlled ms toh she didnt buy much...I got more bags than her I win the shopping day!!!hahaha


Oooh today is make up for Mother's day for my mother in law...coz she n my father in law went thailand over last weekend...Made the tom yam soup we learnt the other day and the thai red rubies (they are red today, coz i managed to get the colouring, however now my fingers n nails are all stained red)... We had a feast coz my mother in law also cooked chicken curry and invited so many pple to my home...Had abt 15pple here for dinner...so scary had to take out so many plates...Thank goodness that corrine (keave's aunt's domestic helper) was ard to help me she is so sweet she just would sit down and rest kept helping me to wash and clean stuff if not i think i wud juz faint hahah just lookin at the amt of bowls and plates...

Tiring day today...Going to see a doc tmr, since the exam week been sick till now...finally got my voice back but now coughin non stop, haiz i think i nid a strong dose of antibotics to clear up these germs...Very power they just wnt leave me hahaha...Hope to recover asap, havent had the chance to accompany hwee for her confinement, feelin bad coz I promised her will spend time with her but this stupid cough is getting in the way...

9:36 pm

Thursday, May 07, 2009

~Our finished Designs~

My Feet...Bling bling....

Mei Zhen's 1st and successful attempt for a gradient look....Nice right????

Evelyn's very kawaii design...

Evelyn's Fake nails.... Beautiful pond theme....Very coool.....Pop-up dragonflies....

Mine....Very tiny...(will retake foto soon)

10:03 pm

~DIY facial, Mani+Pedi and Thai-inspired Dinner~

keke we had a super long day yesterday!!! Met up with Meizhen n Evelyn at 12 to buy ingredients and have lunch...Then picked Hershey (eve's doggie) up to go my place...
Hershey& Nutnut

We started off preparing the ingredients for the tom yam soup and for our thai red rubies...keke that took quite some time...then we start to do our DIY facial...

Firstly, aspirin mask ->charcoal mask
Keke do i look like the sample???

->whitening mask (for me) the rest all had different mask...They smell so lovely and since they were placed in the fridge were super cooling....hahaha

while we were doin our mask we were selecting the designs for our nails, trimming our fake nails too... the designs so pretty....So many designs to choose from, I was spoilt for choice...Even contemplated on doin 10 different designs...
The dinner was fab...

Tom Yam Soup from scratch!!!

very yummy.... as for the dessert, we couldnt find red colouring so ours was thai purple and yellow gems hahaha....it was quite successful... yummy....

Multicolour gems also from scratch!!!!

after that continue with our fake nails with dragonflies and a theme. hehe meizhen didnt do fake nails so she was supervising us....hehe

Ended of the entire session watching twilight....keke and left my home at 140am...haha that is like almost 14hours....Tiring (due to ambitious toe bling design) but really really fun and fruitful...Now looking forward to next week's cinnamon roll and gingerbread bikini babes and beach hunks....

3:01 pm

Elle ♥ theGrumpyToast

      ~emotional, paranoid and sensitive person who finds life somewhat stressful at times but lucky to have very caring and concerned people and a loving hubby around me who gives me all the support I need to sort out thoughts in my always full brain to make the right decisions. A super chihuahua lover and loves my baby Princess Peanut very very much, keke a crafty person who never misses any opportunity to be crafty~

♥ Thank you

♥ Past rawr-ing